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Posts published by “Meagan Wilson”

Pacific Northwest native, travel and craft beverage writer. Exploring the intersections where beer (and coffee and spirits), food, travel and culture meet.

The Oldest Beer…IN THE WORLD

Okay, so maybe not quite the oldest beer in the world, but a decent argument can and has been made that since the first beers were almost certainly wild and open fermented, they bore more than a passing resemblance to the subject of this post. By the way, this is the first in a planned three-part series on lambics. The next two will be shorter.

We Brew! Winter Saison

Last week, I wrote about saison, and mentioned that we were thinking of brewing our own. Well, we did, and today’s post is about that…

It’s a Trappist!

(Ben) A quick Google search for Orval reveals that many people do not know how to spell, as most of the results are misspelled entries…

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